Friday, March 13, 2009

Jon Steward vs. CNBC Part... I dunno, this is turning into a war.

I'm just going to post a link here. The premise: Jim Cramer of CNBC's "Mad Money" guests on Jon Stewart's "Daily Show." The interview went well over the allotted time, so Comedy Central posted the entire, unedited segment in three parts. As I said a couple of posts ago, Stewart has taken down "news" programs before. Could an entire network be next?

The Interview

I'm not really going to go into specifics here, but there's something genuinely awe inspiring about a relatively quiet talk show host humbling guys like this in front of a national audience. The neo-righties get the vein/pill popping Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of get spoken to like adults.

I don't think this is an attempt on Stewart's part to garner more exposure for himself, but to actually affect change in the most visible of areas. I don't doubt his sincerity. Given some time, I'm interested to see if this gets any real traction.

If Bob Dylan was the voice of his generation, and we somehow got assigned Kanye West, where can I vote for Jon Stewart?

1 comment:

  1. This was actually the second time I've seen Jon Stewart go serious on somebody's ass. First time was on that Spitfire show.
